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LiveData integration


To use the LiveScreenModel you should first import cafe.adriel.voyager:voyager-livedata (see Setup).

State-aware ScreenModel

If your ScreenModel needs to provide a state, use the LiveScreenModel. Set the initial state on the constructor and use mutableState to change the current state.

class PostDetailsScreenModel(
    private val repository: PostRepository
) : LiveScreenModel<PostDetailsScreenModel.State>(State.Init) {

    sealed class State {
        object Init : State()
        object Loading : State()
        data class Result(val post: Post) : State()

    fun getPost(id: String) {
        coroutineScope.launch {
            val result = State.Result(post = repository.getPost(id))

In your screen use state.observeAsState() and handle the current state.

class PostDetailsScreen : Screen {

    override fun Content() {
        val screenModel = rememberScreenModel<PostDetailsScreenModel>()
        val state by screenModel.state.observeAsState()

        when (state) {
            is State.Loading -> LoadingContent()
            is State.Result -> PostContent(



Sample code here.