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** Experimental API

Inside a Screen, you can call LifecycleEffectOnce to execute a block of code the first time the Screen appears, and optionally define a onDispose callback for when the Screen is leaving/removed from the Stack:

class PostListScreen : Screen {

    override fun Content() {
        LifecycleEffectOnce {
            onDispose {
                // Do something when the screen is leaving/removed from the Stack

        // ...


With ScreenLifecycleProvider interface you can provide a special ScreenLifecycleOwner that can react when the Screen leaves the Stack

class MyScreenLifecycleOwner : ScreenLifecycleOwner {
    override fun onDispose(screen: Screen) {
        println("My ${screen.key} is being disposed")

data object MyScreen : Screen, ScreenLifecycleProvider {
   fun Content() {

   public override fun getLifecycleOwner(): ScreenLifecycleOwner =

Extending the Lifecycle lazily

You can access directly the ScreenLifecycleStore to add a ScreenDisposable implementation lazily in a lifecycle aware custom API.

If you for example have a custom dependency that should be notified when the Screen is disposed you can use the ScreenLifecycleStore directly. For example, the Screen Model and ScreenModelStore APIs rely on this API to Store the ScreenModel instance and the Screen owns the ScreenModel instance, when the Screen leaves the Stack, the ScreenModelStore, that implements ScreenDisposable is notified and can dispose the ScreenModel.

Let’s imagine a dependency called MyDependency that holds and provides a State for a Screen while it is on the Navigator stack and we want to notify MyDependency when the Screen leaves the Stack.

class MyCustomAPIWithDisposable(
   private val myDependency: MyDependency
) : ScreenDisposable {
   public override fun onDispose(screen: Screen) {

fun rememberMyDependency(): MyDependency {
   val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow
   val myDependency by getMyDependecy() // getting from DI
   remember(myDependency) {
      ScreenLifecycleStore.get(navigator.lastItem) {

   return myDependency

ScreenDisposable for all Screens

You can also provide a ScreenLifecycleOwner for all Screen in the stack of a Navigator easily by in the Navigator composable start to listen to lastItem for registering at ScreenLifecycleStore.

Let’s reuse the MyScreenLifecycleOwner from the example above and provide it to all screens in the navigator.

class MyScreenLifecycleOwner : ScreenDisposable {
    override fun onDispose(screen: Screen) {
        println("My ${screen.key} is being disposed")

fun YourAppComposable() {
  Navigator(...) { navigator ->
     remember(navigator.lastItem) {
        ScreenLifecycleStore.get(navigator.lastItem) {