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State restoration

Voyager by default expect that it screens can be stored inside a Bundle. This means both Java Serializable and Parcelable are supported. By default all Voyager Screen is Java Serializable this means that Screen can be restored if all parameters are Java Serializable.

Java Serializable

// ✔️ DO
data class Post(/*...*/) : Serializable

data class ValidScreen(
    val userId: UUID, // Built-in serializable types
    val post: Post // Your own serializable types
) : Screen {
    // ...

// 🚫 DON'T
class Post(/*...*/)

data class InvalidScreen(
    val context: Context, // Built-in non-serializable types
    val post: Post, // Your own non-serializable types
    val parcelable: SomeParcelable // Android Parcelable is not Java Serializable by default
) : Screen {
    // ...

Not only the params, but the properties will also be restored, so the same rule applies.

// ✔️ DO
class ValidScreen : Screen {

    // Serializable properties
    val tag = "ValidScreen"

    // Lazily initialized serializable types
    val randomId by lazy { UUID.randomUUID() }

// 🚫 DON'T
class InvalidScreen : Screen {

    // Non-serializable properties
    val postService = PostService()

Android Parcelables

// ✔️ DO
data class Post(/*...*/) : Parcelable

data class ValidScreen(
    val post: Post // Your own parcelable types
) : Screen, Parcelable {
    // ...

// 🚫 DON'T
class Post(/*...*/)

data class InvalidScreen(
    val context: Context, // Built-in non-parcelable types
    val post: Post, // Your own non-parcelable types
    val serializable: SomeSerializable // Java Serializable are not Android Parcelable by default
) : Screen, Parcelable {
    // ...

Enforcing Android Parcelable on your screens

You can build your own Screen type for enforcing in at compile time that all yours screens should be Parcelable by creating an interface that implement Parcelable.

interface ParcelableScreen : Screen, Parcelable

// Compile
data class Post(/*...*/) : Parcelable

data class ValidScreen(
    val post: Post
) : ParcelableScreen {
    // ...

// Not compile
data class Post(/*...*/)

data class ValidScreen(
    val post: Post
) : ParcelableScreen {
    // ...

Starting from version 1.0.0-rc05 you can specify a custom NavigatorSaver to enforce that all Screen is Parcelable by using parcelableNavigatorSaver.

    LocalNavigatorSaver provides parcelableNavigatorSaver()
) {
    Navigator(...) {

Multiplatform state restoration

When working in a Multiplatform project and sharing the Parameters models with other platforms, your types required to be serializable in a Bundle if you are targeting Android, the easiest way is defining in common code a JavaSerializable interface that on Android only would implement, see example below.

// commonMain - module core
expect interface JavaSerializable

data class Post(/*...*/) : JavaSerializable

// androidMain - module core
actual typealias JavaSerializable =

// non AndroidMain (ios, web, etc) - module core
actual interface JavaSerializable

// android ui module or compose multiplatform module
data class ValidScreen(
    val post: Post
) : Screen

Dependency Injection

If you want to inject dependencies through a DI framework, make sure it supports Compose, like Koin and Kodein.

// ✔️ DO
class ValidScreen : Screen {

    override fun Content() {
        // Inject your dependencies inside composables
        val postService = get<PostService>()

// 🚫 DON'T
class InvalidScreen : Screen {

    // Using DI to inject non-serializable types as properties
    val postService by inject<PostService>()

Identifying screens

The Screen interface has a key property used for saving and restoring the states for the subtree. You can override the default value to set your own key.

class HomeScreen : Screen {

    override val key = "CUSTOM_KEY"

    override fun Content() {
        // ...

Voyager provides a uniqueScreenKey property, useful if you don’t want to manage the keys yourself.

override val key = uniqueScreenKey


You should always set your own key if the screen:

  • Is used multiple times in the same Navigator
  • Is an anonymous or local class