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ViewModel KMP

Since 1.1.0-beta01 we have introduce a experimental API for ViewModel KMP. It is under the package cafe.adriel.voyager:voyager-lifecycle-kmp (see Setup).

You will need to call ProvideNavigatorLifecycleKMPSupport before all Navigator calls and it will be working out of the box.

fun MainView() {
    ProvideNavigatorLifecycleKMPSupport {

class MyScreen : Screen {
    fun Content() {
        val myViewModel = viewModel { MyScreenViewModel() }

Voyager 1.1.0-beta01 also have introduced the support for Navigator scoped ViewModel and Lifecycle. This will make easy to share a ViewModel cross screen of the same navigator.

class MyScreen : Screen {
    fun Content() {
        val myViewModel = navigatorViewModel { MyScreenViewModel() }

Lifecycle KMP

This version also brings the Lifecycle events for Screen lifecycle in KMP, now is possible to a generic third party API that listen to Lifecycle of a Screen in KMP.